Google Play Books

Choose from millions of titles on Google Play including new releases, New York Times best sellers, up-and-coming authors, and free books. Easily personalize your reading experience, pick up where you left off on your phone, tablet, or computer, and get reading today!

Recent changes:
Added the ability to search the text of original-pages books.
Added a "see all" shortcut from Read Now to My Library.
Stability improvements.

Google Play 提供數百萬本書籍任您選讀,包括最新上架書籍、紐約時報書籍銷售排行榜上的暢銷書、竄紅作者的著作,以及各種免費書籍。您可以輕鬆自訂個人化的閱讀體驗,還能在手機、平板電腦或電腦上直接從上次閱讀進度繼續閱讀。歡迎立即品味開卷之樂!