Google Play Games (Google Play 遊戲)

Games get more fun with the Google Play Games app. Compete with friends, track your achievements, and pick up wherever you left off, on any of your devices. As you master more games across Google Play, show off your skills in your all-new Game Profile. And whether you love puzzles, racing, sports or action games, you can explore and choose from thousands of great games from right within the app. Play the world, anywhere in the world, all from one place.

• Achievements - Complete challenges, earn awards, and track them all right from the app.
• Leaderboards - See how you stack up against other players.
• Multiplayer - Play friends in real-time and turn-based matches.
• Immense selection - Choose from thousands of great games on Google Play -- puzzle, sports, strategy, action and more.

Google Play 遊戲應用程式讓遊戲變得更好玩!您可與好友一較高下、追蹤自己的破關紀錄,而且個人遊戲進度一目瞭然,在任何裝置上都能接續暢玩遊戲。全新的玩家檔案可讓您展現遊戲技藝,讓其他玩家看看您在各款 Google Play 遊戲的傲人成就。無論您愛好益智、賽車、體育競技或動作遊戲,都能直接在應用程式中探索數千款精彩遊戲並選擇您的最愛。隨時隨地透過單一平台享受遊戲天地的無窮樂趣,盡在 Google Play!
• 關卡:完成各項挑戰、贏得獎勵,並直接透過應用程式追蹤完整紀錄。
• 排行榜:與其他玩家一較高下,瞭解自己的遊戲成就。
• 多人對戰遊戲:與好友一起進行即時對戰與回合制對戰。
• 多元選擇Google Play 提供數千款精彩遊戲任您挑選,益智、體育競技、策略、動作和其他各種類型的遊戲一應俱全。

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