yp1083 電話查詢

YP1083 puts the entire Hong Kong Yellow Page (YP) directory at your fingertips and makes it easy to navigate, browse and search!

List of over 200,000 HK business contacts covering business, retail, restaurants, government, public institutions and other business services.

Main Features:
- Search by keyword and category
- Company phone number, address and other information
- Filter by district or category
- Tap-to-call business directly

More Features:
- Save listing to Contact & Calendar Event
- Share listing via email and SMS

Map Service:
- Local proximity based search using GPS
- Map navigation showing the routing to destination

For further inquiry, please dial our service hotline no. at (852)2828 2033

結合1083及yp(黃頁),提供超過200,000 商貿、零售、食肆、家居服務、政府部門、公共機構及其他商業服務資料。
----- 主要功能 -----
- 關鍵字及公司分類搜尋
- 公司電話、地址及其他資訊
- 以地區或行業分類作精細篩選
- 即時電話直撥
----- 資料儲存 -----
- 即時儲存搜尋結果至電話簿
- 以短訊或電郵方式分享資料
- 儲存公司資料至行事曆
----- 地圖指南 -----
- GPS定位搜尋所在位置附近公司或商店
- 方向導航引領至目的地
可致電客戶服務熱線 (852) 2828 2033

